Does subscription acumen permeate your organisation? From your board, to your SLT and into your teams? This article is about the Substribe approach to transforming your subscription brand. The Challenge: […]
Is customer success a cost you can bear?
Customer Success (CS) is a hot topic…CS in the SaaS world has taken a hammering as companies hit headwinds. But done well, CS is a growth and value driver you […]
data data everywhere…but not a bot to think
Data and intelligence is a hot topic. When b2b subscription leaders discuss data, intelligence, data as a service, and the like, what they think about is: customer value; use cases; […]
Unlocking future value in b2b subscriptions
Future Value: the performance key to unlock b2b Subscription Growth Subscription leaders, investors and customers, let’s talk about what really drives sustainable growth. Why Future Value Matters Shifting the Mindset […]
Must Have Regulatory Solutions
Here is a 7 point customer checklist to audit your solution. Context: Your end users probably don’t care if you supply premium content (intelligence, data, analytics), membership/networks, or Data as […]
What makes a knowledge manager tick?
This article is inspired by a conversation with a knowledge management expert, sharing their view of important dynamics in the information sector. Knowledge managers are information professionals responsible for considering […]
How do PE firms unlock enterprise value?
The working report, ‘Leveraging Digital, Data & AI Technologies to Increase Enterprise Value: How Private Equity Firms Are Getting It Right’ by INSEAD is an interesting and useful read. For […]
3 ingredients for high value memberships
How successful professional memberships and expert networks evolve. It’s almost a cliche to say “we are going to be the Gartner of such and such.” It takes a fair amount […]
Chief Subscription Officer: a customer and talent magnet
Success in subscription means customers stick around and spend more. And repeat. Simple to say. But keeping clients hooked and compounding growth is easier said than done. Who is the […]
The guidance system to rocket retention
There are 3 critical data feeds for the guidance system of b2b subscriptions. The data is powerful, identifying hot (and not hot) spots of growth in product, teams and customers. […]
Why we’re launching a customer sentiment tracker
Reconnecting companies with their subscribers was a big reason for starting Substribe. The subscription model should foster a stronger connection with customers, but this isn’t always the case. Companies can […]
B2B subscription case study: exploring new/adjacent markets
We use a 2×2 grid to diagnose subscription performance. It’s helping our clients – b2b subscription companies in the information and data space – work through the steps to optimise […]
how Substribe unlocks b2b subscription performance
At Substribe we focus on b2b subscriptions for information, data and analytics services. For years, we have rolled up our sleeves alongside teams and their customers to learn. We also […]
Subscription value. Are your customers lost in the woods?
We speak with a lot of customers of b2b information, data and analytics services. Across the world, markets and ranks. The customers and users of these services are finding it […]
How to use retention to survive the downturn (and prepare for growth)
This is a tough period in history, with the potential for an unprecedented recession. So, if you have established subscription revenues, now is the time to double down on retention. […]
Price increases AND stronger customer relationships?
Don’t lead on price increases with inflation, lead with value.
How to use aha moments to light up product usage
How your customer engages with your product is a leading indicator of success or failure. But usage on its own won’t cut it. Often, increased usage is seen as a […]
“I don’t need to speak to customers, I need sales”
The three fundamentals of enterprise subscription success are: 1. know who your customer is *by segment* in the enterprise 2. pinpoint the *recurring* pain the segment needs solving 3. communicate […]
3 critical inputs for b2b subscriptions
Isolating the 3 areas to prioritise, to improve b2b subscription performance. The search continues
Why it’s time to ditch b2b subscriptions*
*ditch BAD b2b subscriptions. The brilliant thing about subs is they get you close to your customers for a long time. As well as the by-product of compounding growth for […]
Acquire for lifetime value? Time for a reset on retention
You want your subscription business to grow, and the most obvious solution is to go out and get more customers. But it’s easy to be dazzled by the importance of […]
What are the fundamentals of successful b2b subscriptions strategy?
We’ve got tales of success, innovation, failures and lessons learned, and pitfalls to avoid. All focused on b2b subscriptions. Below is a summary of our subscription insights from practitioners and […]
Product innovation for b2b subscriptions
Whether you’re creating a new subscription product or developing an existing proposition, there are particular protocols that you must consider. Working with leaders in product from across b2b subscription giants […]
B2B subscription pricing strategies
Subscription pricing is a critical lever for success. From acquiring customers to expanding revenues for exponential net revenue retention, getting the price right is key to unlocking growth. Here is […]
How to measure customer value, successfully
Subscription leaders face many challenges, requiring lots of decision making. Acquiring and integrating businesses, launching new products, executing go to market plans, to list a few. So it is important […]
the only onboarding metric that matters?
Time to value (TTV). Subscription companies spend time and effort thinking about keeping and growing recurring revenues. We hear about subscription problems including churn in first and second year renewals. […]
five tips to unlock customer lifetime value
Unlocking customer lifetime value is a critical success factor for B2B subscription businesses. And, it is getting harder. Demand for subscription services is rocketing, with the ‘anything as a service’ […]